Hello Readers!

My name is Tory and I quit smoking February 3, 2010. Follow along as I pen my journey of quitting. I still live with a smoker, and have been told that it is extra tough, but I've made it this far. I am excited to share my journey and angst quitting smoking with you.


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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Nobody's Perfect

Day 39
Cigarettes Today (or since my last post): 0.5 (EW)
Chantix Side Effects (on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the worst): 0
Mood: Getting a little better.  Still not normal.
Cigarettes NOT Smoked Since Quit Date: 780
Hours Not Spent Smoking: 65

Friday night, to prove that I am not lame, I went out with one of my best friends.  We had a fabulous time and I did really well not smoking - until the end of the evening.  I had had just enough that I decided that I wanted a cigarette.  Big mistake.  It was foul tasting.  I am fairly certain I will not do that again.

Since my last update, a co-worker and friend of mine told me that I should go back to smoking because she liked me better that way.  She and I don't see eye to eye on everything and apparently, I have been rubbing her the wrong way lately.  Either way, what she said was really hurtful.  Sometimes, I feel like I like myself better as a smoker, too.  Smoker Tory is calm and patient.  She does not care if things don't go her way.  She just smooths over her emotions with a quick cigarette and moves on.  That being said, it will take me quite a while to determine how healthy Tory will find a way to react with the same patience and calmness of smoker Tory.  PS I explained to my friend how hurtful that comment was and she apologized.

There are currently 10 more days and one 2nd appraisal between us and the keys to our new home.  Hopefully the appraisal will be completed Monday or Tuesday and we will begin all of the closing stuff right after!  I am so excited to move in to our new home.

In the last two weekends, I have cleaned my grandparents' house, (sort of) helped my sister-in-law move, went to a niece's dedication, celebrated my fiance's birthday, went bridesmaid dress shopping with the girls (both for my wedding and my best friend's wedding), had dinner with friends and watched the Oscars, house sat for three dobermans, got a pedicure, did the running man at a bar, went to a niece's 2nd birthday party, fixed my crashed laptop (well Josh did that) and went mattress shopping.

What I did today (and the last few days) instead of smoking:
  1. Realized my love for ginger ale.
  2. Spent time playing dress up with my hair!  (I realize that you will believe it when you see it.)  Day 14 of hair challenge completed.
  3. Bought new sandals for summer twenty ten.
  4. Wore a tank top and basked in Arizona's sunshine.
  5. Danced like no one was watching.

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