Hello Readers!

My name is Tory and I quit smoking February 3, 2010. Follow along as I pen my journey of quitting. I still live with a smoker, and have been told that it is extra tough, but I've made it this far. I am excited to share my journey and angst quitting smoking with you.


Quit Smoking Meter

QuitMeter Counter courtesy of www.quitmeter.com.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Movin' on up!

Day 55
Cigarettes Today (or since my last post): 0
Chantix Side Effects (on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the worst): 0
Mood: Diligent.  Focused.
Cigarettes NOT Smoked Since Quit Date: 1100
Hours Not Spent Smoking: 91.67

Tomorrow marks the TWO MONTH point for my quit smoking journey.  Since my last post, I stopped taking Chantix for a period of 5 days or so, which, coupled with some awesome PMS hormones and moving equated to some tears and frustration.  I am now back on the Chantix and I am happy to report that Josh and I are all moved in to our new house (and he has not asked for the ring back even after my emotional behavior!).

With Josh still smoking, I have realized while I don't miss the smoking, I miss the hanging out time.  When we would have a cigarette together, it was bonding time.  I continue to look for new ways to accomplish the same thing in such an effortless way.  If anyone else knows how, please advise.

Everyone says that for me to quit while still living with a smoker must be "so hard" and it is.  But I just continue to take things one day at a time.  As much as I wish he would quit, I know how difficult it is.  He will quit when he wants to.

Check My Life as a Grown Up for pictures of the new house (coming soon!)....


  1. And I just realized I have gained almost 4 days of my life back, just by quitting smoking!!

  2. as a non smoker who has dated smokers, i understand your problem with a lack of hang-out time. if you feel you are ready as a non-smoker, you can always keep him company while he has a cigarette. i've done this many times and it seems to fill the void you speak of.

    p.s. congratulations on the house.

  3. Thanks Hillary!! That's great advice. I think I might be at the point where I can do that. Whenever he steps outside, I've gotten in the habit of doing something productive so as to distract myself. But every now and then, I think I will be able to go hang out! Lots of my non-smoker friends kept me company, too... GOOD IDEA!
