Hello Readers!

My name is Tory and I quit smoking February 3, 2010. Follow along as I pen my journey of quitting. I still live with a smoker, and have been told that it is extra tough, but I've made it this far. I am excited to share my journey and angst quitting smoking with you.


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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Oh Joy, I'll try a Cigarette

Day 8
Cigarettes Today: .05 of 1 - it was gross, not sure why I even bothered
Chantix Side Effects (on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the worst):
Mood: Sassy at work, Exhausted at home

I figure at some point, I should discuss my history with battling nicotine addiction. But then I figured I could always just send you to my main blog's one and only post about the last time I quit.

Here is what I did today instead of smoking:
1. Was sarcastically (jokingly) mean to a co-worker all day. I think he might have actually started to believe me by the end of the day, or it was just getting annoying and he was fed up.
2. Got a pedicure and manicure
3. Cried on the inside when the nice Asian lady ripped off a blister and poured alcohol on it

Today I didn't need much to distract me from the habitual urge to smoke. It was a busy day at work and early on, I decided to dangle the mani/pedi in front of my work horse to celebrate making it one week with no cigarettes.

Oddly enough, I apparently enjoy smoking to celebrate good news, too, not just stress, because I immediately reached for a cigarette when Josh and I were basking in the glow of an accepted offer on the house we are hoping to buy! That was my crux today.

But, I'm not starting my counting again. I'm just not.

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