Hello Readers!

My name is Tory and I quit smoking February 3, 2010. Follow along as I pen my journey of quitting. I still live with a smoker, and have been told that it is extra tough, but I've made it this far. I am excited to share my journey and angst quitting smoking with you.


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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Short But Bittersweet

Day 7
Cigarettes Today: 0
Chantix Side Effects (on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the worst): 8
Mood: ADD at work, defeated at home

Here is what I did today instead of smoking:
1. Played with a baby
2. Listened to Ipod on repeat (this song)
3. Yelled at an older woman who insisted on driving less than 5 mph in the Post Office parking lot and who signaled when making three consecutive turns that were ONE WAY turns. Did I mention it was the SECOND Post Office I went to (the first was closed) and it was 4:50 p.m.?
4. Thanked God that my packages were already postmarked! The line was 20 people deep.
5. Sat and stared.
6. Cried when I accidentally erased Group Week of American Idol.
7. Thanked Josh for promptly downloading Group Week of American Idol at the first sight of tears.

But I didn't have ONE cigarette! :-)

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